Sharing Tips on Information Technology Career Paths

Hello and welcome to Your IT Career! On this blog, I will share tips on information technology career paths for individuals looking to start a career in Information Technology.
You may not know it yet, but there’s a successful IT career waiting just for you!
I created Your IT Career to share IT career development content with anyone that is interested in an Information Technology career path.
I will share content on how you can start, develop, and sustain a successful and financially rewarding career in the IT field even if you don’t have a technical background.
If you’re looking for ways to build a career that enables you to provide for yourself and your family comfortably, then you must consider a career in Information Technology.
Information Technology is everywhere, and the industry continually needs new workers to help it meet growing demands.
Please visit the About page to learn more about my career in Information Technology and why I love to share information on Information Technology career paths.
STATISTICS – IT Job Vacancies Are Everywhere!
A Bureau of Labor and Statistics report shows that the average projected growth of jobs from 2018 to 2028 in the Computer and Information Technology occupation is 12%! The projected growth is much faster than the average for all occupations.
If we dig a little deeper, the projected growth for some of the specific jobs in this sector is much higher than 12%.
- Information Security Analyst jobs have a projected growth of 32% through 2028.
- Software Developer jobs have a projected growth of 21% through 2028.
- Web Developer jobs have a projected growth of 13% through 2028.
These numbers translate to hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be available in the IT field over the next 10 years. Why not make yourself available to fill one of the positions?
What Does That Mean To You?

So, why should those statistics matter to you? The numbers matter because it means you can join the IT workforce and get rewarded with an exciting career and, of course, a great salary.
Have you had any of these thoughts?
- I deserve a career that pays very well.
- I want the opportunity to work remotely while earning a great salary.
- I would like a side-gig in tech to supplement my current salary.
You are not alone! I have many people asking me these same questions every single week,. The answer is not that complicated or difficult. The key is learning information about the area you are interested in so that you can get a job in the field.
In reality, many people, just like you, often have these questions but find it difficult to gather information from around the internet. After hopping from site to site trying to get comprehensive information on a specific career, it is easy to lose motivation and stop the search altogether.
I completely understand because that is why I started this blog. The goal of this blog is to make it a resource with enough information to help you get started in an IT career of your choice.
The goal of this blog is to share information and tips on Information Technology career paths.
If you are already in the IT field and looking to advance your career, you can also benefit from the career development content I plan to share as well. It’s one thing to start a job in the IT field and another to make career progress!
Many Information Technology Career Paths to Pick From
IT is a very wide field with many different specializations.
Software Development (coding and no coding), Website Design, IT Audit and Compliance, Cybersecurity, IT Project Management, Databases, Helpdesk Support, Product Management are just a few of the fields out there.
You can pick an area of specialization based on your specific interests and the entry requirements for that specialization.
Don’t worry, if you don’t know which one to start with, just pick one. The main issue for many people is that they get stuck in analysis paralysis and end up doing nothing.
You don’t want to be stuck with analysis paralysis because all that does is waste valuable time that you could be using to learn new skills that can earn you more money.
If you start one of the fields and determine that you do not like it, you can simply pick another field. The benefit is that since no knowledge is lost, all your experiences come together and have a cumulative effect that helps grow your IT career.
I have work experience in at least 4 different IT fields, and they all complement each other in my general IT career picture. When I apply for new jobs, I can list all the experiences to show that I have a full breadth and depth of knowledge about the different fields. Sometimes, that is exactly what is needed to be successful in some roles.
So, don’t hesitate to start somewhere with the knowledge that where you end up might be different but could ultimately still be better.
Let’s Start The Journey!

I hope you are now as excited and motivated about starting (or developing) a career in Information Technology!
Yes, you may be scared to step your foot into the unknown. However, you will never know how successful you can become in your career if you don’t at least start somewhere.
I am so excited to start sharing information with you, so please visit often to check out the content. Your feedback is ALWAYS welcome. So, please leave comments on blog posts to let me know what you think and the type of content that is useful to you.
Check out the following posts to get started.