7 Remote Job Opportunities in Information Technology

One of the reasons that I love working in Information Technology is the flexibility that allows me to work remotely. In this post, I will share 7 remote job opportunities in IT career paths.
I have worked remotely for many years with different companies while still making career progress. The benefits that working from home has afforded me and the quality of life with my family cannot be overstated. I am definitely very grateful for the opportunity to have a job that allows me to work remotely.
Before we look at the remote jobs opportunities in Information Technology, let’s take a look at some benefits of working remotely.
Benefits of Working Remotely
Zero commute
Your commute to your ‘office’ is the short distance between anywhere in your home and your office desk.
When I worked in downtown Dallas, my commute was about 2 hours every single day. One hour on the way to work and another hour back home. I hated every single minute of that commute.
I was exhausted from the drive when I got to work, and the exhaustion continued until I got back home after another hour of driving.
Now that I work remotely, I can spend that commute time actually being productive and getting more work completed instead of being cranky on the road.
Cost Savings
Gas money, toll fees, expensive lunches, work clothes.
These are some of the costs that I was able to reduce drastically when I started working remotely. These costs add up quickly and can be quite a significant part of your financial budget when you commute to work.
My tank of gas now lasts me much longer than it did when I commuted to work daily.
Toll fees are almost non-existent on my credit card now because I hardly take the toll roads.
I make my meals at home and the money I spent on work lunches is now left in my account.
Work clothes are not cheap and when you have to keep your office wardrobe ‘fresh’, the costs add up. I haven’t had to buy new work clothes in years and that is money well saved.
Overall, working remotely simply saves you money on things that you would typically need to buy when commuting to work.
More Time with Family
The #1 benefit of working remotely for me is the extra time I get to spend with my family.
Since I no longer have to commute to work, I can spend extra time with my family in the mornings and evenings instead of being alone in my car.
I can also schedule breaks during the day to spend time with my children when they are not in school.
Also, I have more flexibility for other things since I don’t have to consider the commute time. There’s more flexibility to schedule doctor’s appointments, attend school events, and attend to general life matters.
This is absolutely priceless to me and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work remotely.
Myth about Remote Jobs
There’s one myth about remote jobs that has been debunked partly due to the current pandemic. People and organizations thought working remotely meant employees were slacking off and not being productive. This is not true.
Many people now have to work remotely due to the pandemic and are being productive. Many organizations now have to admit that working remotely does not necessarily mean reduced productivity. In fact, some organizations have mentioned that they may continue to have employees work remotely to some degree after the pandemic.
Personally, working remotely actually increased my productivity. I’m always conscious about completing more work than required because I recognize it’s a great benefit that I want to keep. So, if you get a remote job opportunity, make the most of it and be as productive as possible.
Ok, let’s get to the list of remote job opportunities in Information Technology

Remote Job Opportunity #1: Software Developer/Engineer (Programming)
I recently posted about high salary Information Technology jobs that don’t need technology degrees and software development was on the list.
In addition to being a high salary job, software development is a job that can be done from anywhere as long as you have a computer.
Software developers are responsible for creating applications or software for use on various computing devices. The applications and software created by software developers vary widely based on the planned use.
Some applications need coding for software development, while some applications do not. I will be putting up a post soon about software development jobs that do not need coding.
As a software developer, you would typically work with teams of other software developers to create a final application/software for use by various groups of individuals.
Salary: The median annual salary for Software Developers is $107,510.
Remote Job Opportunity #2: Website Developer
There are currently millions of websites on the internet that need people to design, develop and update them regularly. As such, website development is another field that is a great candidate for remote work. All you need is a computer and great internet access.
As website developer, you would typically work with teams and organizations to help them create and maintain their website. This is important because the website is what can showcase the organization well online.
This can be broken down into front-end development and back-end development. Front-end development tackles the site as seen by users on the internet. Back-end development deals with the code under the covers. You can actually be a tech boss and do both!
An important piece of website development is understanding UI/UX (User Interface/Experience). You need the ability to design a website that users find easy to interact with. UI/UX and Web designer can be separate (yet related) fields within website development as some organizations have separate roles for them.
Salary: The median annual salary for Website Developers is $73,760.
Remote Job Opportunity #3: Database Administrator
Database administration is another job that was on my recent post about high salary Information Technology jobs that don’t need technical degrees.
I have personally worked with several database administrators that worked remotely and they all have been quite effective.
Database Administrators (DBAs) are responsible for managing database systems that store and organize organizational data.
When you enter information in an application, that data is stored in a database in the backend. The DBAs are the ones responsible for managing that database and the data it stores.
As a DBA, you would typically work with other DBAs and application teams to understand how to best store and transform data. This applies to all the databases for use by different applications in your organization.
Average salary: The average annual salary for Database Administrators is $93,750.
Remote Job Opportunity #4: IT Support/Helpdesk
Have you ever called the IT helpdesk of an organization to troubleshoot any computer problems you are having? Then you have most likely interacted with IT Support/Helpdesk personnel.
Many organizations thought this job had to be done from call-centers. However, the 2020 pandemic has proven that this job can be done remotely.
Even before the pandemic, several organizations had started to allow their IT Support/Helpdesk personnel work remotely. The reality is that they knew the job required just a phone line and good internet connection.
As an IT Support /Helpdesk personnel, you would work with employees and customers to resolve their IT related problems.
This job is usually in tiers based on the level of complexity of the problem. The lower-level tiers typically handle less complicated issues due to their lower level of experience. While the higher-level tiers handle more complicated issues because they may need more experience in various technologies.
That is why the initial helpdesk person you get will sometimes tell you they need to transfer you to Tier 2 or 3 support.
Salary: The median annual salary for IT Support/Helpdesk is $54,760.
Remote Job Opportunity #5: Project Manager
Project Management was listed in my recent post about high salary Information Technology jobs that don’t need a technical degree.
If you have great organizational skills, you can work as a remote project manager (both IT and non-IT). I have done this for years very effectively.
Project Managers keep track of the progress of IT projects within an organization. Their job is to make sure projects are completed on time and within budget. This is an extremely important role for organizations as projects are notorious for going over budget and being delayed.
With an effective IT Project Manager, organizations are more confident in the ability to roll out new/updated systems on time and without cost overruns.
As an IT Project Manager, you would typically work very closely with other IT teams that are involved in a project. Your job is to keep track of how they are progressing with the project against the set timeline.
You will also communicate frequently with project stakeholders (management) to give them regular updates on the project.
Salary: The average annual salary for Project Managers is $114,900.
Remote Job Opportunity Job #6: Product Management
I think of product management as an offshoot of project management because it deals with tracking products from a complete project.
You may be asking yourself ‘What is a product’? I had this question too until I checked it out a few years ago.
Think of a product as something a company makes or sells that users will use or interact with. A product could be a new website feature from your bank to improve your online banking experience. It could be new digital content that your favorite blogger is offering to readers. It could also be a new car from a car manufacturer or just a part of the car.
Whatever the product is, organizations typically have product managers to manage the launch and overall maintenance of the product.
A project manager would be responsible for the overall project timeline. While the product manager would be responsible for making sure the product is delivered and launched as planned.
The product manager would usually also have the responsibility of maintaining the ongoing improvement of the product after launch. On the other hand, the project manager could move on to another project.
Salary: The average annual salary for Product Managers is $107,575.
Remote Job Opportunity #7: IT Education Content Creator/Instructor
The last job on the list of IT jobs that you can perform remotely is Information Technology Education Content Instructor.
This is sharing information you know in any IT field with an audience that will benefit from that information.
You could be a technology blogger like I’m doing with this blog and educate people on specific technology niches.
You could also create and offer technology courses (free and paid) to those that are interested.
In either case, this is a job that you can perform remotely and since it is your business, the work hours are up to you!
Average Salary: This is unlimited and based on how much work and effort you put into your business. There are bloggers and content creators that make six figures in this field so the sky is your limit!
BONUS Remote Job Opportunity: IT Audit
I’ve had a few readers reach out to me about other remote jobs in IT. The fact is that the pandemic made organizations see that almost all IT jobs can be performed remotely. One prime example is IT Audit. When I worked in IT Audit as a consultant, we had clients where we only went onsite for a week and performed the rest of the work from our local office. These days, most audit firms are allowing their employees to work remotely and perform all necessary audit interviews remotely. I talk more about IT Audit jobs in this post.
This is also a very high salary job, so you can definitely consider IT Audit as a remote job that pays well.
Salary: The average annual salary for IT Auditors is around $93,446.
Remote Job Websites
So, where can you go to find remote job opportunities in Information Technology? Here are some sites where you can search for remote jobs in IT. Each one has it’s own appeal, so check them out and search for jobs that may interest you.
I hope you have learned something new in this blog post. Please leave comments and let me know if you have worked remotely in technology and what you did. As always, feel free to also ask me questions.
Make sure to check out this post on 5 high salary Information Technology jobs that don’t need technical degrees.
2 thoughts on “7 Remote Job Opportunities in Information Technology”
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I’m a mother of 3 young kids, and I will like to return to the working field. Should I look into studying one of the well-paid remote jobs you have posted instead of IT AUDIT.?.
Thanks for the comment. With the pandemic, almost every job in Tech moved to remote work. So, IT Audit is also a well-paid remote job. I just decided to keep this list short until I update it with more jobs. Hope that helps.